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Dodecylsulfate-Na-salt in pellets, research grade, SERVA

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2076501 | Dodecylsulfate-Na-salt in pellets, research grade, SERVA
brutto 276,75 PLN
netto 225,00 PLN
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Ilość musi zawierać się w przedziale 0 - 99999
2076502 | Dodecylsulfate-Na-salt in pellets, research grade, SERVA
brutto 498,15 PLN
netto 405,00 PLN
Podaj ilość
Ilość musi zawierać się w przedziale 0 - 99999
2076503 | Dodecylsulfate-Na-salt in pellets, research grade, SERVA
brutto 1 726,92 PLN
netto 1 404,00 PLN
Podaj ilość
Ilość musi zawierać się w przedziale 0 - 99999
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Opis towaru

In contrast to the powder form usually available, the pellet form allows SDS to be weighed out almost dust-free. Apart from minimal abrasion caused by transport and storage, this SDS is free of irritating dust particles. It is therefore far less harmful to health than the powder form. The quality is suitable for electrophoresis, but also for molecular biology and biochemistry. The purity is at least 99.5 %, for further information please see the specifications table below. Anionic detergent. CMC (25 °C) 8.1 mM, Na (25 °C) 60 - 62, HLB 40.


SDS, Sodium laurylsulfate, Sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS pellets

Mr 288.38

CAS No. 151-21-3


Assay (titr.) min. 99.5 %

Turbidity (NTU)/10 % in water max. 2.5 %

A 1 cm/10 % in water:

260 nm max. 0.2

280 nm max. 0.1 


Storage Temperature +15 °C TO +30 °C

Cechy towaru

  • Podatek VAT
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    0 cm
  • Długość
    0 cm
  • Szerokość
    0 cm